
A chimeric antibody for allergenicity assessment of functionalized glutens

A chimeric antibody for allergenicity assessment of functionalized glutens

A chimeric antibody specific to deamidated glutens that can serve as a tool to characterize their allergenic potential has been produced.

Since the 1990s, glutens have been functionalized by acid hydrolysis for use as ingredients in foods or cosmetics. However, these modified glutens turned out to be neo-allergenic, as the deamidated proteins induce the production of specific IgE-type antibodies that trigger an allergic reaction, and the first reports of allergies were described in Europe and Japan just a few years after commercial release of products containing deamidated gluten. We have produced a chimeric antibody specific to these deamidated glutens that can serve as a tool to characterize their allergenic potential.


  • Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
  • National Institute of Health Sciences, Science food institute, Tokyo, Japan


O. Tranquet , J.-C. Gaudin, S. Patil, J. Steinbrecher, K.Matsunaga, R. Teshima, S.Sakai, C. Larré, S. Denery-Papini (2017). A chimeric IgE that mimics IgE from patients allergic to acid-hydrolyzed wheat proteins is a novel tool for in vitro allergenicity assessment of functionalized glutens. PlosOne

Modification date : 11 September 2023 | Publication date : 04 January 2018 | Redactor : V Rampon