CIMMAP ANR coordinated by Marie Bodinier

The aim of this project is to characterize the effects of an antenatal prebiotics supplementation on the immune system maturation and the composition of the intestinal microbiota and milk in order to prevent infant allergy.

Allergies affect 30-40% of the world's population. Among them, atopic dermatitis is one of the most recurrent and early. Allergies are influenced by genetic (including early functional alteration of the skin barrier) and environmental factors. There are associated with a dysregulated immune system and a decreased gut microbiota diversity.

CIMMAP (Characterising the effect of maternal prebiotic supplementation on perinatal Immune system maturation, Gut Microbiota and breast Milk compositions for Allergy Prevention in high-risk children) will explore the perinatal period among children at risk for allergy by focusing on:

  • immune system development and gut microbiota maturation
  • the composition of breast milk and its influence on those factors
  • the modulation of the infant immune system by maternal gut microbiota and its derived products
  • the effect of prebiotics on gut microbiota, breast milk and immune system

This project should improve our understanding of the occurrence of allergic pathologies and, from an industrial perspective, yield new opportunities to develop foods enriched in prebiotics to prevent allergies.
CIMMAP is an ancillary study based on the PREGRALL clinical study funded by the French Ministry of Health, which will be launched in November 2017 and aims to evaluate for the first time a maternal antenatal prebiotic (GOS / Inulin) supplementation on atopic dermatitis occurrence in children of high allergic risk.


See also

This project involves a consortium of 7 partners:

CIMMAP brings together science-based academics (immunologists, microbiologists, physiologists, omics specialists, molecular biologists and statisticians) as well as clinical dermatologists, paediatric dermatologists and obstetricians.

Modification date : 21 June 2021 | Publication date : 14 September 2017 | Redactor : L Linxe