Année 2008

Année 2008

Liste des publications

  • Cotté V., Bonnet S., Le Rhun D., Le Naour E., Chauvin A., Boulouis H. J., Lecuelle B., Lilin T., Vayssier-Taussat M. 2008. Transmission of Bartonella henselae by Ixodes ricinus. Emerging Infectious Diseases 14(7):1074-1080 [IF16=8.222] DOI: 10.3201/eid1407.071110.
  • Ezanno P., Fourichon C., Seegers H. 2008. Influence of herd structure and type of virus introduction on the spread of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) on the spread of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) within a dairy herd. Veterinary Research 39(5):39 [IF16=2.798]. DOI: 10.1051/vetres:2008016.
  • Fosse J., Seegers H., Magras C. 2008. Foodborne zoonoses due to meat: a quantitative approach for a comparative risk assessment applied to pig slaughtering in Europe. Veterinary Research 39(1):01 [IF16=2.798]. DOI: 10.1051/vetres:2007039.
  • Fosse J., Seegers H., Magras C. 2008. Hiérarchiser les risques de zoonoses alimentaires : une approche quantitative. Application aux dangers bactériens transmis par les viandes porcine et bovine. Revue Scientifique et Technique - Office International des Epizooties 27(3):643-655 [IF16=0.929].
  • Gordon L., Cloeckaert A., Doublet B., Schwarz S., Bouju-Albert A., Ganiere J.-P., Le Bris H., Le Fleche-Mateos A., Giraud E. 2008. Complete sequence of the floR-carrying multiresistance plasmid pAB5S9 from freshwater Aeromonas bestiarum. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 62(1):65-71 [IF16=5.071] DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkn166.
  • Guan G., Chauvin A., Luo J., Inoue N., Moreau E., Liu Z., Gao J., Thekisoe O. M. M., Ma M., Liu A., Dang Z., Liu J., Ren Q., Jin Y., Sugimoto C., Yin H. 2008. The development and evaluation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method for detection of Babesia spp. infective to sheep and goats in China. Experimental Parasitology 120(1):39-44 [IF16=1.724] DOI: 10.1016/j.exppara.2008.04.012.
  • Guatteo R., Seegers H., Joly A., Beaudeau F. 2008. Prevention of Coxiella burnetii shedding in infected dairy herds using a phase I Coxiella burnetii inactivated vaccine. Vaccine 26(34):4320-4328 [IF16=3.235] DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2008.06.023.
  • Hoch T., Fourichon C., Viet A. F., Seegers H. 2008. Influence of the transmission function on a simulated pathogen spread within a population. Epidemiology and Infection 136(10):1374-1382 [IF16=2.075]. DOI: 10.1017/S095026880700979X.
  • Jesse M., Ezanno P., Davis S., Heesterbeek J. A. P. 2008. A fully coupled, mechanistic model for infectious disease dynamics in a metapopulation: Movement and epidemic duration. Journal of Theoretical Biology 254(2):331-338 [IF16=2.113]. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2008.05.038.
  • Leblanc Maridor M., Denis M., Lalande F., Beaurepaire B., Cariolet R., Fravalo P., Federighi M., Seegers H., Belloc C. 2008. Experimental infection of specific pathogen-free pigs with Campylobacter: Excretion in faeces and transmission to non-inoculated pigs. Veterinary Microbiology 131(3-4):309-317 [IF16=2.628] DOI: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2008.04.008.
  • Lepeule J., Bareille N., Valette J. P., Seegers H., Jacquet S., Denoix J. M., Robert C. 2008. Developmental orthopaedic disease in limbs of foals: between-breed variations in the prevalence, location and severity at weaning. Animal 2(2):284-291 [IF16=1.921] DOI: 10.1017/S1751731107001024.
  • Lurette A., Belloc C., Touzeau S., Hoch T., Ezanno P., Seegers H., Fourichon C. 2008. Modelling Salmonella spread within a farrow-to-finish pig herd. Veterinary Research 39(5):49 [IF16=2.798]. DOI: 10.1051/vetres:2008026.
  • Lurette A., Belloc C., Touzeau S., Hoch T., Seegers H., Fourichon C. 2008. Modelling batch farrowing management within a farrow-to-finish pig herd: influence of management on contact structure and pig delivery to the slaughterhouse. Animal 2(1):105-116 [IF16=1.921]. DOI: 10.1017/S1751731107000997.
  • Makoschey B., Lekeux P., Lacroux C., Taylor G., Hodgson C., Letellier C., Meyer G., Coghe J., Muller K., Assie S., Rypula K., Cavirani S., Gonzalez-Martin J. V., Hoflack G., Thiry E. 2008. Concepts in the prevention of bovine respiratory disease. Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 121(11-12):446-449 [IF16=0.609].
  • Robert A., Roussel P., Bareille N., Ribaud D., Sérieys F., Heuchel V., Seegers H. 2008. Risk factors for new intramammary infections during the dry period in untreated dairy cows from herds using selective dry cow therapy. Animal 2(2):247-254 [IF16=1.921] DOI: 10.1017/S1751731107000833.
  • Viet A. F., Jacob C. 2008. Illustration of some limits of the Markov assumption for transition between groups in models of spread of an infectious pathogen in a structured herd. Theoretical Population Biology 74(1):93-103 [IF16=1.613]. DOI: 10.1016/j.tpb.2008.05.002.

Date de modification : 11 septembre 2023 | Date de création : 16 février 2017 | Rédaction : ML