Conditions for the successful implementation of foot baths

Conditions for the successful implementation of foot baths to control Mortellaro disease in cattle

Conditions for the successful implementation of foot baths to control Mortellaro disease in cattle

Control of infectious lameness in cattle may be achieved in part by collective foot disinfection procedures. Alternatives to the products historically used in foot baths, such as formalin or copper sulphate, must be found. In addition, the practical conditions for their implementation and the nature of other key control factors are often stated without robust scientific evidence. The work concerned the evaluation of a new biocide that is biodegradable and meets the new European requirements for biocides. Renewed every 100 passes of cows, the twice-monthly application of this product has demonstrated curative efficacy in accelerating the healing of digestive dermatitis lesions. Foot hygiene was the most important factor in controlling the occurrence of new lesions.

Bibliography :

Ariza JM, Relun A, Bareille N, Oberle K, Guatteo R. 2017. Effectiveness of collective treatments in the prevention and treatment of bovine digital dermatitis lesions: A systematic review. Journal of Dairy Science, 100(9):7401-7418. DOI: 10.3168/jds.2016-11875.

Ariza J.M., Bareille N., Oberle K., Guatteo R. 2018. Current recommendations for footbath solutions renewal rates in dairy cattle: the need for adaptation? Animal:1-7. DOI: 10.1017/S1751731118002847.

Ariza J.M., Bareille N., Lehébel A., Oberle K., Relun A., Guatteo R. Evaluation of a biocide footbath solution in the occurrence and healing of digital dermatitis lesions in dairy cows. A clinical trial. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. Under revision

Modification date : 11 September 2023 | Publication date : 21 November 2018 | Redactor : AC