EcoAntibio SIMV 2018 Research Award

EcoAntibio SIMV 2018 Research Award

The EcoAntibio research prize was awarded by the SIMV to Lucie Collineau, doctoral student in the BIOEPAR unit, for one of her publications in the context of her thesis defended in December 2016: Quantify, explain and reduce antimicrobial usage in pig production in Europe.

The SIMV, as a pilot of action 3 of the Ecoantibio plan "Encouraging the use of vaccines to prevent the emergence of infectious diseases", wished to reward publications meeting the objective of this action and launched a research prize in 2018.

This Prize is intended to distinguish the research work published by a student or researcher for work within the framework of the Ecoantibio 2017 action 3 plan highlighting the positive impact of vaccination in reducing the need for antibiotic prescription.

Research publications published in 2017 have been peer-reviewed.

The 2018 Laureate is : 

Lucie Collineau (BIOEPAR, INRA, ONIRIS)for "Herd-specific interventions to reduce antimicrobial usage in pig production without jeopardising technical and economic performance" published in Preventative Veterinary Medicine

The publication will be presented at the Ecoantibio workshop of the GTV 2019 days (16 May 2019 in Nantes) and the award ceremony will take place on this occasion.

The rules and regulations  for this prize are available at the following link.


Modification date : 11 September 2023 | Publication date : 20 February 2019 | Redactor : AC