SANT'Innov: Greening of Farming [PSDR4]

SANT'Innov: Greening of Farming [PSDR4]

Innovating in animal health to reconcile greening and competitiveness

The SANT'Innov project wants to explore a new approach to the greening of livestock production that takes into account animal health. The aim is, on the one hand, to contribute to a renewed interest in grassland in dairy cattle production systems and, on the other hand, to accompany the adaptation of dairy cattle and meat and pig production systems to reduce the use of antibiotics. All this will lead to a better competitiveness of these animal sectors, which are so important in agriculture in the Great West.

UMR BIOEPAR, project leader for the project funded by the PSDR4 programme, will be at the heart of the work carried out by mobilising the multidisciplinary skills of its researchers in epidemiology, economics, management sciences, zootechnics and infectiology.porteur du projet financé par le programme PSDR4, sera au cœur des travaux réalisés en mobilisant les compétences multidisciplinaires de ses chercheurs en épidémiologie, économie, sciences de gestion, zootechnie et infectiologie.



 © Inra

Partners: this programme has been designed in collaboration with socio-economic partners: the Terrena cooperative and its subsidiaries, the Livestock Institute, the Pork Institute and the Association of Veterinarians in Organised Production. It will also strengthen links with 5 research laboratories: UP Groupe ESA URSE, UP Oniris LARGECIA, Brest Business School, UMR Inra Agrocampus Ouest PEGASE and UP Inra MaIAGE.

Contacts :

Nathalie Bareille, project leader, ONIRIS INRA BioEpAR :

Florence Beaugrand, project co-leader :

Modification date : 11 September 2023 | Publication date : 17 February 2016 | Redactor : AC