INSECT4CITY Benefits and risks of entomoconversion for recycling bio-waste from urban and peri-urban areas [Consortium MP INRAE BETTER]

INRAE consortium project in the framework of the metaprogramme BETTER on the risk-benefit assessment of entomoconversion to recycle bio-waste from cities and periurban areas

Raising insects is an ecological way to recycle and recover bio-waste (in the form of protein for animal feed, fertilizer, biofuel, etc.). In urban and peri-urban areas, where waste management is more than ever a major issue, entomoconversion offers an attractive solution but also poses specific questions, in terms of the heterogeneity of bio-waste, control of health risks, regulatory and societal constraints. It is around this overall benefit-risk assessment that this multidisciplinary consortium is focused, which currently brings together 6 INRAE ​​departments. It will address, upstream of the development of this sector with very high potential, all the questions that the general public, the legislator as well as the producers of insects can ask themselves about this means of recovering bio-waste. The goal is to remove the obstacles that could slow down their use in a circular bioeconomy approach.

Modification date : 11 September 2023 | Publication date : 03 May 2021 | Redactor : SG