PROTECT Predictive mOdelling Tools to evaluate the Effects of Climate change on food safeTy

Training of phD students in modeling with skills acquisition on quantitative risk assessment, food processes, life cycle analyzes and decision support

Climate change and food security have become interdependent research priorities around the world. Indeed, climate change will cause increases in temperature and relative humidity, this will have an impact on microbial contaminants: bacteria and molds that did not develop or little until then will be able to do so.
To meet the challenge of the European Union to double food production by 2050 (to meet the demand of the population) while managing the impact of climate change on food safety, it is necessary to invest in research, and particularly in the training of young researchers.
The PROTECT project (Innovative Training Networks) will begin in April 2019. 8 PhD students will be trained in modeling with the acquisition of skills as varied as the quantitative assessment of risk, food processes, life cycle analyzes, decision support.
UMR SECALIM will lead a work package aimed at reducing the risks of mycotoxins and microorganisms contamination in dairy products. The unit will also be in charge of the management of a doctoral student working on models for the quantitative evaluation of microbial exposure, raw materials for consumption, and non-refrigerated dairy products. Finally, UMR SECALIM will co-supervise a thesis work aimed at developing a multi-objective decision support system integrating health safety, food quality, the sustainability of the food industry and its competitiveness, the environmental impact of production / consumption practices.

Keywords: Climate change - food safety - Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment- Modeling - Chemistry - Molds - Dairy products

Partners: The project is led by Enda Cummins from the University College of Dublin. It includes 6 academic partners (all from Erasmus and Erasmus + projects together), 6 industrial partners and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Modification date : 11 September 2023 | Publication date : 09 May 2019 | Redactor : SG