Sofia recruitment

A new recruit at SECALIM

Sofia Strubbia was admitted to the assistant professor competition at Oniris, in Veterinary Public Health, Food Safety, Inspection & Sanitary Control, Microbial flows

Sofia Strubbia was received on December 15 at the assistant professor competition at Oniris, in Veterinary Public Health, Food Safety, Inspection & Sanitary Control, Microbial flows. She will carry out her teaching activity in the Food Hygiene and Quality (HQA) unit attached to the Department of Farmed Animal Health and Public Health (SAESP) of the Oniris veterinary course. She will carry out her research activities within UMR 1014 SECALIM on the theme of Evaluating the safety risk, in particular by integrating the study of microbial flows from animals to food in a One Health approach.
Veterinarian, Sofia completed the MAN-IMAL Master 2 focusing the analysis and management of health and nutritional risks from a "One Word One Health" perspective, before completing her phD thesis in virology at IFREMER in Nantes. Her phD thesis topic was the analysis of the diversity of human enteric virus strains such as noroviruses, the main agents of viral gastroenteritis in humans, using complex metagenomic approaches.
Since September 2021, she was in charge of teaching and contractual research at Oniris. We are delighted that she is now a permanent staff member of Oniris and SECALIM. Sofia is already involved in several research projects dealing with the microbiological safety of food and Campylobacter in the poultry sector. We wish her a good integration in this new position.

Modification date : 11 September 2023 | Publication date : 17 December 2021 | Redactor : SG